
Suggested case list:

Using timer to refresh a grid

383guest172.69.33.12125nk0uiMay 7, 2020 7:23:47 AMlink

user model to move item to another listbox

120guest162.158.193.148d0n3krApr 2, 2020 5:28:28 AMlink

Disabled list item row passed to VM-1981

296fatih123160.83.36.13025nk0uiFeb 13, 2018 4:25:44 PMlink

Disabled list item row passed to VM-1981

295fatih123160.83.36.13025nk0uiFeb 13, 2018 4:25:16 PMlink

Disabled list item row passed to VM-1981

294fatih123160.83.36.13225nk0uiFeb 13, 2018 3:30:44 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

816guest80.82.2.1312vah9ajFeb 21, 2017 11:42:21 AMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

809guest175.98.113.1622vah9ajJan 26, 2017 9:19:33 AMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

196guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:57 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

195guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:54 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

194guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:51 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

193guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:48 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

192guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:44 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

191guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:40 PMlink

Hierarchy table without using ZK PE/EE

1aaknai151.28.135.2131s871daJul 29, 2013 11:02:46 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

128aaknai151.28.135.2132vah9ajJul 29, 2013 7:20:00 PMlink

user model to move item to another listbox

1TonyQ114.25.109.94d0n3krApr 21, 2012 10:43:27 AMlink

Using timer to refresh a grid

1TonyQ220.133.44.3725nk0uiFeb 17, 2012 3:17:34 AMlink

Fire a event from child iframe

1TonyQ220.133.44.372eupjotFeb 3, 2012 5:04:52 AMlink

Textbox input restriction sample

1TonyQ72.21.245.2431b3nlr0Dec 20, 2011 10:09:10 AMlink

Test web core taglib in ZUL

1TonyQ198.203.175.175ofqkemDec 17, 2011 3:36:08 AMlink

Latest 10 Fiddles :

ZK 8 x EL 3.0

4guest172.71.215.28smcii2Mar 13, 2025 10:17:02 AMlink

ZK 8 x EL 3.0

3guest172.71.215.27smcii2Mar 13, 2025 10:16:37 AMlink

ZK 8 x EL 3.0

2guest172.71.215.28smcii2Mar 13, 2025 10:16:23 AMlink

grid deselect

1guest172.71.155.44d0eqcvMar 13, 2025 8:30:45 AMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

22guest172.71.155.4320846g3Mar 13, 2025 8:24:21 AMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

21guest172.71.155.4420846g3Mar 13, 2025 8:23:21 AMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

20guest172.71.155.4420846g3Mar 13, 2025 8:22:52 AMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

19guest172.71.155.4420846g3Mar 13, 2025 8:22:31 AMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

18guest172.71.155.4420846g3Mar 13, 2025 8:22:18 AMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

17guest162.158.167.4320846g3Mar 13, 2025 8:00:27 AMlink

Combo box with popup as listbox

1Senthilchettyin122.179.69.62eej9eoNov 4, 2013 3:17:21 AMlink


index.zulzul<zk> <style> .hiddenPopup { display: none; } .z-combobox-pp.combobox-with-another-popup { display: none !important; } </style> <window apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer" viewModel="@id('vm') @init('pkg$.TestComposer')"> <!-- the "another popup" --> <!-- hide popup after an item is selected --> <popup id="pp" sclass="@load(vm.popupClass)" onOpen="@command('openListbox')"> <!-- get sub model based on combobox's value --> <listbox model="@load(vm.subModel)" height="100px" width="230px" onSelect="@command('updateStatus')"> <listhead> <listheader width="100px" /> <listheader width="100px" /> </listhead> <template name="model" var="item"> <listitem> <listcell label="@bind(item.firstName)"/> <listcell label="@bind(item.lastName)"/> </listitem> </template> </listbox> </popup> <!-- onChanging="@command('updateModel')" - display popup, update model --> <!-- onOpen='if (event.isOpen()) {, "after_start");pp.setSclass("");} else pp.close()' - control open status manually, could be implemented with a custom component --> <!-- sclass="combobox-with-another-popup" - hide original popup --> <!-- value="@load(vm.value)" - update value when an item is selected --> <!-- popup="pp, after_start" - use another popup --> <combobox model="@load(vm.model)" onChanging="@command('updateModel')" onOpen='if (event.isOpen()) {, "after_start");pp.setSclass("");} else pp.close()' sclass="combobox-with-another-popup" value="@load(vm.value)" popup="pp, after_start"/> </window> </zk>TestComposer.javajavaimport java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.ContextParam; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.ContextType; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.NotifyChange; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.InputEvent; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.OpenEvent; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.SelectEvent; import org.zkoss.zul.ListModel; import org.zkoss.zul.ListModelList; import org.zkoss.zul.ListModels; import org.zkoss.zul.ListSubModel; import org.zkoss.zul.Listitem; public class TestComposer { /** full model */ private ListModelList _model; /** combobox's value */ private String _val = ""; /** used to control sclass of popup */ private boolean _open = false; // getters // get sub model public ListModel getModel() { if (_model == null) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { l.add(new Person(i + "-first", "last")); } _model = new ListModelList(l); } return ListModels.toListSubModel(_model); } // get matched items public ListModel getSubModel() { return ((ListSubModel) getModel()).getSubModel(_val, 15); } public String getPopupClass() { return _open ? "" : "hiddenPopup"; } public String getValue() { return _val; } // called when onChanging or onOpen of combobox @Command @NotifyChange({ "popupClass", "subModel" }) public void updateModel( @ContextParam(ContextType.TRIGGER_EVENT) InputEvent event) { String val = event.getValue(); if (val == null) { val = ""; } _val = val; _open = true; } // called when onSelect of listbox @Command @NotifyChange({ "popupClass", "value" }) public void updateStatus( @ContextParam(ContextType.TRIGGER_EVENT) SelectEvent event) { _open = false; _val = ((Listitem) event.getSelectedItems().iterator().next()) .getValue().toString(); } // called when onOpen of popup @Command @NotifyChange("popupClass") public void openListbox( @ContextParam(ContextType.TRIGGER_EVENT) OpenEvent event) { _open = event.isOpen(); } public static class Person { private String _firstName; private String _lastName; public Person(String firstName, String lastName) { _firstName = firstName; _lastName = lastName; } public String getFirstName() { return _firstName; } public String getLastName() { return _lastName; } public String toString() { return _firstName + " " + _lastName; } } }