
Suggested case list:

Using timer to refresh a grid

383guest172.69.33.12125nk0uiMay 7, 2020 7:23:47 AMlink

user model to move item to another listbox

120guest162.158.193.148d0n3krApr 2, 2020 5:28:28 AMlink

Disabled list item row passed to VM-1981

296fatih123160.83.36.13025nk0uiFeb 13, 2018 4:25:44 PMlink

Disabled list item row passed to VM-1981

295fatih123160.83.36.13025nk0uiFeb 13, 2018 4:25:16 PMlink

Disabled list item row passed to VM-1981

294fatih123160.83.36.13225nk0uiFeb 13, 2018 3:30:44 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

816guest80.82.2.1312vah9ajFeb 21, 2017 11:42:21 AMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

809guest175.98.113.1622vah9ajJan 26, 2017 9:19:33 AMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

196guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:57 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

195guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:54 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

194guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:51 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

193guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:48 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

192guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:44 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

191guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:40 PMlink

Hierarchy table without using ZK PE/EE

1aaknai151.28.135.2131s871daJul 29, 2013 11:02:46 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

128aaknai151.28.135.2132vah9ajJul 29, 2013 7:20:00 PMlink

user model to move item to another listbox

1TonyQ114.25.109.94d0n3krApr 21, 2012 10:43:27 AMlink

Using timer to refresh a grid

1TonyQ220.133.44.3725nk0uiFeb 17, 2012 3:17:34 AMlink

Fire a event from child iframe

1TonyQ220.133.44.372eupjotFeb 3, 2012 5:04:52 AMlink

Textbox input restriction sample

1TonyQ72.21.245.2431b3nlr0Dec 20, 2011 10:09:10 AMlink

Test web core taglib in ZUL

1TonyQ198.203.175.175ofqkemDec 17, 2011 3:36:08 AMlink

Latest 10 Fiddles :

font awesome effects

1guest172.71.166.21232nla3hApr 18, 2024 6:04:43 PMlink

font awesome effects

245guest172.71.166.21220t2jmoApr 18, 2024 6:04:41 PMlink


1JamesChu162.158.187.3739iuvhmApr 18, 2024 10:33:52 AMlink

Listbox colspan header version 2

3guest172.71.183.199jkpp6qApr 17, 2024 1:54:19 PMlink


1guest162.158.90.1402is2rctApr 17, 2024 10:23:20 AMlink

LocalDate in datebox

2guest172.70.243.516v49n7Apr 17, 2024 6:05:17 AMlink

LocalDate in datebox

1guest172.70.243.516v49n7Apr 17, 2024 6:04:18 AMlink

LocalDate in datebox

1guest172.70.243.511m6i0gcApr 17, 2024 6:04:04 AMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

1guest141.101.69.1271plv0hpApr 17, 2024 5:37:43 AMlink

pdf set content media

2guest172.68.18.22635q7pbApr 16, 2024 9:27:52 PMlink

listbox 108 height issue test

9guest172.70.114.583oium5Aug 4, 2021 10:23:52 PMlink


index.zulzul<zk> <style> :root { --color-hover-opened: #36f; /* Bright Blue Hover, th, opened Color */ --color-mainsvg: #878787; /* Dark Grey for Icon color */ --color-links: #69c; /* Light Blue links color */ --color-buttons: #0b47aa; /* Dark Blue button color */ --color-destructive: #ff4d4e; /* Delete Color Red */ --switch-border: #ccc; --switch-checked-bg-color: var(--color-buttons); --switch-unchecked-bg-color: #fff; --switch-unchecked-txt-color: #aaa; --switch-disabled-toggle: #aaa; --switch-focus: 2px rgba(39, 94, 254, 0.3); --switch-toggle: #fff; --svgmenu: url('data:image/svg+xml, <svg xmlns="" fill="%23666666" viewBox="0 0 629 48" xmlns:v=""><path d="M466 27c-3.9 0-7.1 3.2-7.1 7s3.2 7 7.1 7 7-3.2 7-7-3.2-7-7-7m2.1 5.6h-2.8v.7h2.1a.68.68 0 0 1 .7.7v2.1a.68.68 0 0 1-.7.7h-.7v.7h-1.4v-.7h-1.4v-1.4h2.8v-.7h-2.1a.68.68 0 0 1-.7-.7v-2.1a.68.68 0 0 1 .7-.7h.7v-.7h1.4v.7h1.4v1.4zm-36.3 5.2c-.7 0-1.3.6-1.3 1.4 0 .7.6 1.3 1.3 1.3s1.4-.6 1.4-1.3c-.1-.8-.7-1.4-1.4-1.4M421 27v1.4h1.4l2.4 5.1-.9 1.7c-.1.2-.2.4-.2.6 0 .7.6 1.3 1.3 1.3h8.1v-1.3h-7.8c-.1 0-.2-.1-.2-.2v-.1l.6-1.1h5c.5 0 1-.3 1.2-.7l2.4-4.4c0-.1.1-.2.1-.3a.68.68 0 0 0-.7-.7h-10l-.6-1.4m1.9 10.9c-.7 0-1.3.6-1.3 1.4 0 .7.6 1.3 1.3 1.3s1.4-.6 1.4-1.3c0-.8-.6-1.4-1.4-1.4zm16.3-9.4h11.3c.8 0 1.4.6 1.4 1.4v8.5c0 .8-.6 1.4-1.4 1.4h-11.3c-.8 0-1.4-.6-1.4-1.4v-8.5c0-.8.6-1.4 1.4-1.4m0 1.4v8.5h4.9v-8.5h-4.9m11.3 8.5v-8.5h-.9c. 0 .5-.4 1-.5 1.1l-1.6 1.8h2.3v.9h-3.7v-.7l2.3-2.5c.1-.2.5-1.4-.5-1.4-.9 0-.8.9-.8.9h-1.1s0-.5.3-.9h-.9v8.5h1.8v-.6h.7s.6-.1.6-.7c0-.7-.6-.7-.7-.7s-.8 0-.8.6h-1.1s0-1.5 1.8-1.5 1.7 1.4 1.7 1.4 0 .9-.8 1.2l.4.3h1.4m-7.8-1.4h-1.1v-4.1l-1.3.4v-.9l2.2-.8h.1v5.4zM287.7 4.2a2.22 2.22 0 0 0-2.2 2.2 2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2.2 2.2 2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2.2-2.2 2.22 2.22 0 0 0-2.2-2.2m0 6c-2.1 0-3.7-1.7-3.7-3.7a3.76 3.76 0 0 1 3.7-3.7 3.76 3.76 0 0 1 3.7 3.7c0 2-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7m0-9.3c-3.7 0-6.9 2.3-8.2 5.6 1.3 3.3 4.5 5.6 8.2 5.6s6.9-2.3 8.2-5.6c-1.3-3.3-4.5-5.6-8.2-5.6zM182.8 37.1a4.91 4.91 0 0 0 4.9-4.9 4.91 4.91 0 0 0-4.9-4.9 4.91 4.91 0 0 0-4.9 4.9 4.91 4.91 0 0 0 4.9 4.9zm3.4 1.4h-.4c-.9.4-1.9.7-3 .7s-2.1-.3-3-.7h-.4c-2.8 0-5.1 2.3-5.1 5.1v1.3c0 1.2.9 2.1 2.1 2.1H189c1.2 0 2.1-.9 2.1-2.1v-1.3c.1-2.8-2.2-5.1-4.9-5.1zm9.2-1.4a4.23 4.23 0 0 0 4.2-4.2 4.23 4.23 0 0 0-4.2-4.2 4.23 4.23 0 0 0-4.2 4.2 4.23 4.23 0 0 0 4.2 4.2zm2.1 1.4h-.2c-.6.2-1.3.4-1.9.4-.7 0-1.3-.1-1.9-.4h-.2c-.9 0-1.7.3-2.4.7 1.1 1.2 1.7 2.7 1.7 4.4v1.7.3h7.7c1.2 0 2.1-.9 2.1-2.1 0-2.8-2.2-5-4.9-5zm285-32.9h-1.7V3.9c0-.2-.2-.4-.4-.4h-.8c-.2 0-.4.2-.4.4v1.7h-1.7c-.2 0-.4.2-.4.4v.8c0 . . 0 .4-.2.4-.4V7.3h1.7c.2 0 .4-.2.4-.4V6c0-.2-.2-.4-.4-.4zM472 6.9a3.33 3.33 0 0 0 3.3-3.3A3.33 3.33 0 0 0 472 .3a3.33 3.33 0 0 0-3.3 3.3 3.33 3.33 0 0 0 3.3 3.3zm2.4.8h-.4c-.6.3-1.2.4-1.9.4s-1.3-.2-1.9-.4h-.4c-1.9 0-3.5 1.6-3.5 3.5v1.1c0 .7.6 1.3 1.3 1.3h9.2c.7 0 1.3-.6 1.3-1.3v-1.1c-.2-1.9-1.8-3.5-3.7-3.5zm-20.8.1c.7 0 1.2.5 1.2 1.2s-.5 1.2-1.2 1.2-1.2-.5-1.2-1.2.5-1.2 1.2-1.2m4.8-7.2c-1.7 0-3 1.3-3 3v1.2H450c-.7 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.2v6c0 .7.5 1.2 1.2 1.2h7.2c.7 0 1.2-.5 1.2-1.2V6c0-.7-.5-1.2-1.2-1.2h-.6V3.6a1.79 1.79 0 1 1 3.6 0v1.2h1.2V3.6a3.01 3.01 0 0 0-3-3M457.2 6v6H450V6h7.2zM132.7 3.6v-3l-5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2V8c3.7 0 6.3 1.2 8.2 3.8-.7-3.7-3-7.5-8.2-8.2zm2.5 28.9c-1.3-1.2-3-1.9-4.7-1.9-3.2 0-6 2.2-6.7 5.2-.1.2-.3.4-.5.4h-2.4c-.3 0-.5-.3-.5-.6a10.31 10.31 0 0 1 10.1-8.3c2.7 0 5.2 1.1 7.1 2.8l1.5-1.5c.6-.6 1.7-.2 1.7.7v5.5c0 .5-.4 1-1 1h-5.5c-.9 0-1.3-1.1-.7-1.7l1.6-1.6zm-13.9 6.7h5.5c.9 0 1.3 1.1.7 1.7l-1.7 1.7c1.3 1.2 3 1.9 4.7 1.9 3.2 0 6-2.2 6.7-5.2.1-.2.3-.4.5-.4h2.4c.3 0 . 10.31 0 0 1-10.1 8.3c-2.7 0-5.2-1.1-7.1-2.8l-1.5 1.5c-.6.6-1.7.2-1.7-.7v-5.5c.1-.7.5-1.1 1.1-1.1zm160.5-6.3h8.4c.2 0 .3-.2.3-.5v-1.2c0-.3-.1-.5-.3-.5h-8.4c-.2 0-.3.2-.3.5v1.2c0 . 5h8.4c.2 0 .3-.2.3-.5v-1.2c0-.3-.1-.5-.3-.5h-8.4c-.2 0-.3.2-.3.5v1.2c0 . 5h8.4c.2 0 .3-.2.3-.5v-1.2c0-.3-.1-.5-.3-.5h-8.4c-.2 0-.3.2-.3.5v1.2c0 . 1.1H268c-.5 0-.8-.4-.8-.8v-6.7l-1.1.8c-.3.3-.9.3-1.2 0l-2.4-2.3c-.3-.3-.3-.9 0-1.2l5-5h1.4c0 .9 1.1 1.7 2.5 1.7s2.5-.8 2.5-1.7h1.4l5 5c. 0 1.2l-2.4 2.4c-.3.3-.9.3-1.2 0l-1.1-.8v6.6c0 .4-.4.8-.9.8M506.2 8.6h-1.7V6.9c0-.2-.2-.4-.4-.4h-.8c-.2 0-.4.2-.4.4v1.7h-1.7c-.2 0-.4.2-.4.4v.8c0 . . 0 .4-.2.4-.4v-1.7h1.7c.2 0 .4-.2.4-.4V9c0-.2-.2-.4-.4-.4zm-9.1 4.8h-5.8a.68.68 0 0 1-.7-.7V6.9l-.9.7c-.3.3-.7.3-1 0l-2.1-2c-.3-.3-.3-.7 0-1l4.3-4.3h1.2c0 .8 1 1.5 2.2 1.5s2.2-.7 2.2-1.5h1.2l4.3 4.3c. 0 1l-2.1 2.1c-.3.3-.7.3-1 0L498 7v5.7c-.1.4-.5.7-.9.7M166.9 43.2l-4.6-4.6c-.9-.9-2.3-1.1-3.4-.5l-4.2-4.2v-2.5l-5.1-3.8-2.5 2.5 3.8 5.1h2.5l4.2 4.2c-.5 1.1-.4 2.5.5 3.4l4.6 4.6c.6.6 1.5.6 2.1 0l2.1-2.1c.6-.6.6-1.5 0-2.1h0zm-6.7-6.7c1.1 0 2.2.4 3 1.2l.8.8a6.57 6.57 0 0 0 1.7-1.2c1.5-1.5 2-3.5 1.5-5.4-.1-.4-.5-.5-.8-.2l-2.9 2.9-2.7-.4-.4-2.7 2.9-2.9c.3-.3.1-.7-.2-.8-1.9-.5-3.9 0-5.4 1.5-1.1 1.1-1.7 2.6-1.6 4.1l3.2 3.2c.3-.1.6-.1.9-.1h0zm-4.1 3.2l-2.2-2.2-6 6c-1 1-1 2.6 0 3.6s2.6 1 3.6 0l4.9-4.9a3.59 3.59 0 0 1-.3-2.5h0zm-6.4 6.5c-.5 0-.9-.4-.9-.9s.4-.9.9-. 8.9V3.7l-2.1-2.1h-8.3V12h8.2v1.5h-8.2a1.54 1.54 0 0 1-1.5-1.5V1.6A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 19.1.1H28l3 3v5.8m-6.7-2.1c-1.3 0-2.2 1-2.2 2.2a2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2.2 2.2A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 26.5 9c0-1.2-.9-2.2-2.2-2.2zm-4.4-4.4h6.7v3h-6.7v-3zm12 6.5H31h-2.5-.7c-.3 0-.6.2-.6.6v.8 3.2c0 . 0 .6-.2.6-.6v-.7-2.5-.8c.2-.3-.1-.6-.4-.6m-1 4.1l-1-1-1 1-.4-.4 1-1-1-1 .4-.4 1 1 1-1 .4.4-1 1 1 1-.4.4zM10.4 0H1.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 0 0 1.5v10.4a1.54 1.54 0 0 0 1.5 1.5h10.4a1.54 1.54 0 0 0 1.5-1.5V3l-3-3zm1.5 11.9H1.5V1.5h8.3l2.1 2.1v8.3zM6.7 6.7a2.22 2.22 0 0 0-2.2 2.2 2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2.2 2.2 2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2.2-2.2 2.22 2.22 0 0 0-2.2-2.2zM2.2 2.2h6.7v3H2.2v-3zM115.9 0a6.81 6.81 0 0 1 6.8 6.8 6.74 6.74 0 0 1-6.8 6.8c-2.4 0-4.5-1.2-5.7-3.1l1.1-.8c.9 1.6 2.6 2.6 4.6 2.6 3 0 5.4-2.4 5.4-5.4s-2.4-5.4-5.4-5.4c-2.8 0-5 2.1-5.4 4.7h1.9L110 8.6l-2.6-2.5h1.8c.4-3.5 3.2-6.1 6.7-6.1m-11.4 41h2.1c.3 0 .7-.3.7-.7v-7.2c0-.3-.3-.7-.7-.7h-2.1c-.3 0-.7.3-.7.7v7.2a.68.68 0 0 0 .7.7zm5.1 0h2.1c.3 0 .7-.3.7-.7V28c0-.3-.3-.7-.7-.7h-2.1c-.3 0-.7.3-.7.7v12.3c0 . 0h2.1c.3 0 .7-.3.7-.7v-3.8c0-.3-.3-.7-.7-.7h-2.1c-.3 0-.7.3-.7.7v3.8c0 . 0h2.1c.3 0 .7-.3.7-.7V29.7c0-.3-.3-.7-.7-.7h-2.1c-.3 0-.7.3-.7.7v10.6c. 3.4H90.1V28.2c0-.5-.4-.9-.9-.9h-1.7c-.5 0-.9.4-.9.9v18c0 .9.8 1.7 1.7 1.7h24.8c.5 0 .9-.4.9-.9v-1.7c.1-.5-.3-.9-.8-.9zm199-14.7H308c-.4-1.2-1.5-2-2.8-2s-2.4.8-2.8 2h-4.2c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-14a1.94 1.94 0 0 0-2-2m-7 0a.94.94 0 0 1 1 1 .94.94 0 1 1-2 0 .94.94 0 0 1 1-1m-5 4h10v-2h2v14h-14v-14h2v2zm7.9 8.9c-.5 0-1 .4-1 1 0 .5.4 1 1 1a.94.94 0 0 0 1-1c0-.6-.5-1-1-1m-7.9-7.9v1h1l1.8 3.8-.7 1.2c-.1.1-.1.3-.1.5 0 .5.4 1 1 1h5.9v-1h-5.7c-.1 0-.1-.1-.1-.1V41l.4-.8h3.7c.4 0 .7-.2.9-.5l1.8-3.2c0-.1.1-.2.1-.2a.47.47 0 0 0-.5-.5h-7.3l-.5-1m1.2 7.8c-.5 0-1 .4-1 1 0 .5.4 1 1 1 .5 0 1-.4 1-1a.94.94 0 0 0-1-1zM579.2 4.5V3.4h6.7v1.1h-6.7zm3.3 5.9l3.3-4.7h-6.7l3.4 4.7zm-9.2-2c.8 0 1.5.3 2 .8l.8-.8v2.9h-2.9l1.3-1.3c-.3-.3-.8-.5-1.3-.5a1.79 1.79 0 0 0-1.8 1.8 1.79 1.79 0 0 0 1.8 1.8 1.75 1.75 0 0 0 1.4-.7h1.2c-.4 1.1-1.5 1.8-2.7 1.8-1.6 0-2.9-1.3-2.9-2.9s1.5-2.9 3.1-2.9M563.2.1h10c.8 0 1.4.6 1.4 1.4v5.1c-.4-.1-.7-.1-1.1-.1-.9 0-1.8.3-2.5.7h-2v2.9h.1c-.1.4-.1.7-.1 1.1v.4h-5.7c-.8 0-1.4-.6-1.4-1.4V1.6c-.1-.8.5-1.5 1.3-1.5m0 2.9v2.9h4.3V3h-4.3m5.8 0v2.9h4.3V3H569m-5.8 4.3v2.9h4.3V7.3h-4.3zm-6.4 2v1.1h-6.7V9.3h6.7zm-3.3-5.9l-3.3 4.7h6.7l-3.4-4.7zm-9.2 5c.8 0 1.5.3 2 .8l.8-.8v2.9h-2.9l1.3-1.3c-.3-.3-.8-.5-1.3-.5a1.79 1.79 0 0 0-1.8 1.8 1.79 1.79 0 0 0 1.8 1.8 1.75 1.75 0 0 0 1.4-.7h1.2c-.4 1.1-1.5 1.8-2.7 1.8-1.6 0-2.9-1.3-2.9-2.9s1.5-2.9 3.1-2.9M534.2.1h10c.8 0 1.4.6 1.4 1.4v5.1c-.4-.1-.7-.1-1.1-.1-.9 0-1.8.3-2.5.7h-2v2.9h.1c-.1.4-.1.7-.1 1.1v.4h-5.7c-.8 0-1.4-.6-1.4-1.4V1.6c-.1-.8.5-1.5 1.3-1.5m0 2.9v2.9h4.3V3h-4.3m5.8 0v2.9h4.3V3H540m-5.8 4.3v2.9h4.3V7.3h-4.3zm-110-2.8V3.4h6.7v1.1h-6.7zm3.3 5.9l3.3-4.7h-6.7l3.4 4.7zm15.3-1.1v1.1h-6.7V9.3h6.7zm-3.3-5.9l-3.3 4.7h6.7l-3.4-4.7zM336.2 45.7h-14v-11h14m-3-7v2h-8v-2h-2v2h-1c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v14c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h14c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2v-14c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2h-1v-2m-8.6 13.9h1c0 .6.7 1 1.5 1s1.5-.5 1.5-1c0-.6-.5-.8-1.7-1-1.1-.3-2.5-.6-2.5-2 0-.9.8-1.7 1.8-2v-1.1h1.5v1.1c1 .3 1.8 1 1.8 2h-1c0-.6-.7-1-1.5-1s-1.5.5-1.5 1c0 .6.5.8 1.7 1 1.1.3 2.5.6 2.5 2 0 .9-.8 1.7-1.8 2v1.1h-1.5v-1.1c-1-.3-1.8-1.1-1.8-2zM237.2 4.5V3.4h6.7v1.1h-6.7zm3.3 5.9l3.3-4.7h-6.7l3.4 4.7zm-11.2.3a1.58 1.58 0 0 0 1.6-1.6 1.58 1.58 0 1 0-3.2 0 1.58 1.58 0 0 0 1.6 1.6m3.4-1.1l1 .7c. 1.5c-.1.1-.2.1-.3.1l-1.2-.4c-.2.2-.5.3-.8.4l-.2 1.2c0 .1-.1.2-.2.2h-1.9c-.1 0-.2-.1-.2-.2l-.2-1.2c-.3-.1-.5-.3-.8-.4l-1.2.4c-.1 0-.2 0-.3-.1l-.9-1.5c-.1-.1 0-.2.1-.3l1-.7v-.4-.4l-1-.7c-.1-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3l.9-1.5c.1-.1.2-.1.3-.1l1.2.5c.2-.2.5-.3.8-.4l.2-1.2c0-.1.1-.2.2-.2h1.9c.1 0 . 1.2c. 0 .2 0 .3.1l.9 1.5c.1.1 0 .2-.1.3l-1 .7v.4.4m-9.5-5.5a.94.94 0 0 0 1-1c0-.6-.5-1-1-1-.6 0-1.1.4-1.1 1s.5 1 1.1 1m2.2-.7l.6.5s.1.1 0 .2l-.6 1c0 .1-.1.1-.2.1l-.7-.3-.5.2-.1.8c0 .1-.1.1-.1.1h-1.2c-.1 0-.1-.1-.2-.1l-.1-.8-.5-.3-.8.3c-.1 0-.1 0-.2-.1l-.6-1v-.2l.6-.5V3v-.3l-.6-.5c-.1 0-.1-.1 0-.2l.6-1c0-.1.1-.1.2-.1l.8.3.5-.3.1-.8c0-.1.1-.1.2-.1h1.2c.1 0 . 0 .1 0 .2.1l.6 1v.2l-.6.5V3v.4zm48.4 5.9v1.1h-6.7V9.3h6.7zm-3.3-5.9l-3.3 4.7h6.7l-3.4-4.7zm-10.6 7.1a1.58 1.58 0 0 0 1.6-1.6 1.58 1.58 0 1 0-3.2 0 1.58 1.58 0 0 0 1.6 1.6m3.3-1.1l.9.7c. 1.5c-.1.1-.2.1-.3.1l-1.1-.4c-.2.2-.5.3-.8.4l-.2 1.2c0 .1-.1.2-.2.2H259c-.1 0-.2-.1-.2-.2l-.2-1.2c-.3-.1-.5-.3-.8-.4l-1.1.4c-.1 0-.2 0-.3-.1l-.9-1.5c-.1-.1 0-.2.1-.3l.9-.7V9v-.4l-.9-.7c-.1-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3l.9-1.5c.1-.1.2-.1.3-.1l1.1.5c.2-.2.5-.3.8-.4l.2-1.2c0-.1.1-.2.2-.2h1.8c.1 0 . 1.2c. 0 .2 0 .3.1l.9 1.5c.1.1 0 .2-.1.3l-.9.7V9l-.1.4M254 3.9a.94.94 0 0 0 1-1 .94.94 0 0 0-1-1c-.6 0-1 .5-1 1s.4 1 1 1m2.1-.7l.6.5s.1.1 0 .2l-.6 1c0 .1-.1.1-.2.1l-.7-.3-.5.3-.1.8c0 .1-.1.1-.1.1h-1.2c-.1 0-.1-.1-.1-.1l-.1-.8-.5-.3-.7.3c-.1 0-.1 0-.2-.1l-.6-1v-.2l.6-.5v-.3-.3l-.6-.5c-.1 0-.1-.1 0-.2l.6-1c0-.1.1-.1.2-.1l.7.3.5-.3.1-.8c0-.1.1-.1.1-.1h1.2c.1 0 . 0 .1 0 .2.1l.6 1v.2l-.6.5v.3.3zM76.6 29.4c2.5 1.8 4.1 4.7 4.1 8a9.82 9.82 0 0 1-9.8 9.8 9.82 9.82 0 0 1-9.8-9.8c0-3.3 1.6-6.2 4.1-8 .5-.3 1.1-.2 1.4.3l.6 1.1c. 1.2-1.6 1.2-2.7 3.2-2.7 5.3 0 3.7 2.9 6.7 6.7 6.7 3.6 0 6.7-2.9 6.7-6.7 0-2.1-1-4-2.7-5.3-.4-.3-.5-.8-.3-1.2l.6-1.1c.3-.5.9-.6 1.4-.3h0zm-4.2 8.3v-9.5c0-.5-.4-1-1-1h-1.3c-.5 0-1 .4-1 1v9.5c0 .5.4 1 1 1h1.3c.6 0 1-.5 1-1zM418.8 9.3v1.1h-6.7V9.3h6.7zm-3.3-5.9l-3.3 4.7h6.7l-3.4-4.7zm-12.1 7c-.7 0-1.3-.6-1.3-1.3s.6-1.3 1.3-1.3 1.3.6 1.3 1.3-.6 1.3-1.3 1.3m3.8 1.9V5.9h-7.6v6.3l7.6.1m0-7.7c.7 0 1.3.6 1.3 1.3v6.3c0 .7-.6 1.3-1.3 1.3h-7.6c-.7 0-1.3-.6-1.3-1.3V5.9c0-.7.6-1.3 1.3-1.3h.6V3.4c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2s3.2 1.4 3.2 3.2v1.3l.6-.1m-3.8-3.1c-1.1 0-1.9.9-1.9 1.9v1.3h3.8V3.4c0-1.1-.9-1.9-1.9-1.9zm-15.2 3V3.4h6.7v1.1h-6.7zm3.3 5.9l3.3-4.7h-6.7l3.4 4.7zm-11.9 0c-.7 0-1.3-.6-1.3-1.3s.6-1.3 1.3-1.3 1.3.6 1.3 1.3-.6 1.3-1.3 1.3m3.8 1.9V5.9h-7.6v6.3l7.6.1m0-7.7c.7 0 1.3.6 1.3 1.3v6.3c0 .7-.6 1.3-1.3 1.3h-7.6c-.7 0-1.3-.6-1.3-1.3V5.9c0-.7.6-1.3 1.3-1.3h.6V3.4c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2s3.2 1.4 3.2 3.2v1.3l.6-.1m-3.8-3.1c-1.1 0-1.9.9-1.9 1.9v1.3h3.8V3.4c0-1.1-.9-1.9-1.9-1.9zm-14.2 8.9c-.7 0-1.3-.6-1.3-1.3s.6-1.3 1.3-1.3 1.3.6 1.3 1.3-.6 1.3-1.3 1.3m3.8 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5.4zM54.8 37.2c0 5.7-4.6 10.3-10.3 10.3s-10.3-4.6-10.3-10.3 4.6-10.3 10.3-10.3 10.3 4.7 10.3 10.3zm-10-6.8c-2.3 0-3.7 1-4.8 2.6-.1.2-. 1.1c. 1.2-1.5 2.4-1.5.8 0 1.9.5 1.9 1.4 0 .6-.5.9-1.3 1.4-1 .5-2.3 1.2-2.3 2.9v.2a.47.47 0 0 0 .5.5h2.3a.47.47 0 0 0 .5-.5V39c0-1.2 3.5-1.2 3.5-4.4-.1-2.4-2.6-4.2-4.9-4.2zm-.3 10.2c-1.1 0-1.9.9-1.9 1.9 0 1.1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9a1.97 1.97 0 0 0 1.9-1.9c0-1-.8-1.9-1.9-1.9zM512.8 1.4v11.2h15V1.4h-15zm9.8 10.5h-4.5v-.8h4.5v.8zm0-1.5h-4.5V8.9h4.5v1.5zm0-2.2h-4.5V6.7h4.5v1.5zm4.5 3.7h-3.8v-.8h3.8v.8zm0-1.5h-3.8V8.9h3.8v1.5zm0-2.2h-3.8V6.7h3.8v1.5zm0-2.3h-3.8V4.4h3.8v1.5zm0-2.1h-.9v-.1h-1.1v.1h-.9v-.1h-1.1v.1h-.9v-.1h-1.1v.1h-.9v-.1h-1v.1h-.9v-.1h-.9v.9h.1v.8h-.1v.8h.1V7h-.1v.9h.1v.8h-.1v.9h0v.8h0v.8h0v.8h-.9 0-1 0-.9 0-.9v-.8h0v-.8h0v-1h0v-.8h0V2.2h.9 0 12.6V3h0l-.1.8h0zm-.9-.8v.8h.9V3h-.9zm-2 0v.8h.9V3h-.9zm-2 0v.8h.9V3h-.9zm-2 0v.8h.9V3h-.9zm5-.8V3h.9v-.8h-.9zm-2 0V3h.9v-.8h-.9zm-2 0V3h.9v-.8h-.9zm-2 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0 . .3-.2.6-.6.6h-6.2c-.3 0-.6-.2-.6-.6v-1.8zm-5.9 0c0-.3.2-.6.6-.6h3.3c.3 0 . .3-.2.6-.6.6h-3.3c-.3 0-.6-.2-.6-.6v-1.8zm23.5-13v2.2h-26.5v-2.2a2.22 2.22 0 0 1 2.2-2.2h22.1c1.3-.1 2.2.9 2.2 2.2zM1.4 45.3a2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2.2 2.2h22.1a2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2.2-2.2v-8.1H1.4v8.1zm8.8-3.1c0-.3.2-.6.6-.6H17c.3 0 . .3-.2.6-.6.6h-6.2c-.3 0-.6-.2-.6-.6v-1.8zm-5.9 0c0-.3.2-.6.6-.6h3.3c.3 0 . .3-.2.6-.6.6H4.8c-.3 0-.6-.2-.6-.6l.1-1.8h0zm23.5-13v2.2H1.4v-2.2A2.22 2.22 0 0 1 3.6 27h22.1c1.1-.1 2.1.9 2.1 2.2zm377.1-1.9H377a.68.68 0 0 0-.7.7v18.4a1.54 1.54 0 0 0 1.5 1.5h26.5a1.54 1.54 0 0 0 1.5-1.5V28c-.2-.4-.5-.7-.9-.7zm-.8 19.1h-26.5V33.1h26.5v13.3zm0-14.7h-26.5v-2.9h26.5v2.9zM381 43.4h6.6c.2 0 .4-.2.4-.4v-.7c0-.2-.2-.4-.4-.4H381c-.2 0-.4.2-.4.4v.7c0 . 0h6.6c.2 0 .4-.2.4-.4v-.7c0-.2-.2-.4-.4-.4h-6.6c-.2 0-.4.2-.4.4v.7c. 39h9.6c.2 0 .4-.2.4-.4v-.7c0-.2-.2-.4-.4-.4H381c-.2 0-.4.2-.4.4v.7c0 . 0h5.9a.68.68 0 0 0 .7-.7v-2.9a.68.68 0 0 0-.7-.7h-5.9a.68.68 0 0 0-.7.7v2.9a.68.68 0 0 0 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width:15px; background-color:var(--color-mainsvg); -webkit-mask: var(--svgmenu) 0 0 / 629px 48px no-repeat border-box; mask: var(--svgmenu) 0 0 / 629px 48px no-repeat; } .mcost a, .mretail a, .munits a { color:#666; } .mcost img, .mretail img, .munits img { background-color:var(--color-mainsvg); -webkit-mask: var(--svgmenu) 0 0 / 629px 48px no-repeat border-box; mask: var(--svgmenu) 0 0 / 629px 48px no-repeat; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem:hover .z-menu-image, .zkmenubar .z-menuitem:hover .z-menuitem-image, .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.opened .z-menu-image, .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.opened .z-menuitem-image, .mcost.opened img, .mretail.opened img, .munits.opened img { background-color:var(--color-hover-opened); } .mcost.opened a, .mretail.opened a, .munits.opened a { pointer-events: none; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem:hover *, .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.opened *, .opened * { color:var(--color-hover-opened); } .zkmenubar .z-menu-content, .zkmenubar .z-menuitem-content { border: none; border-radius: 0; padding: 4px 10px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconSaveClose .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position: top 0 left -17px; mask-position: top 0 left -17px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconDelete .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position: top 0 left -17px; mask-position: top 0 left -17px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconDelete .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position: top 0 left -36px; mask-position: top 0 left -36px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconClose .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position:top 0 left -51px; mask-position: top 0 left -51px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconEmail .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position:top 0 left -67px; mask-position: top 0 left -67px; width:17px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconExcel .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position: top 0 left -88px; mask-position: top 0 left -88px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconFreeze .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position:top 0 left -511px; mask-position:top 0 left -511px; width:20px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconReset 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.z-menuitem.IconLock-OC.opened .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position:top 0 left -396px; mask-position:top 0 left -396px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconCreateJob-OC .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position:top -27px left -478px; mask-position:top -27px left -478px; width:25px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconCreateJob-OC.opened .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position:top -27px left -505px; mask-position:top -27px left -505px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconCancelJob-OC .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position:top -27px left -532px; mask-position:top -27px left -532px; width:25px; } .zkmenubar .z-menuitem.IconCancelJob-OC.opened .z-menuitem-image { -webkit-mask-position:top -27px left -561px; mask-position:top -27px left -561px; } .mcost img { -webkit-mask-position:top -25px left -459px; mask-position:top -25 left -459px; } .mretail img { -webkit-mask-position:top -25px left -421px; mask-position:top -25 left -421px; } .munits img { -webkit-mask-position:top -25px left -439px; mask-position:top -25 left -439px; } .z-menupopup-separator { background:none; } .z-menupopup { background:#fff; margin-top:3px; margin-left: -2px; } .z-menupopup .z-menu-image, .z-menupopup .z-menuitem-image { min-width: 19px; min-height: 19px; } .zkmenubar .menuitem-disabled *, .zkmenubar .menuitem-disabled.z-menu-hover>.z-menu-content, .zkmenubar .menuitem-disabled:hover *, .zkmenubar .z-menu-content[disabled='disabled'], .zkmenubar .z-menuitem-content[disabled='disabled'], .zkmenubar .z-menu-content[disabled='disabled']:hover, .zkmenubar .z-menuitem-content[disabled='disabled']:hover { pointer-events: none; opacity: .6; filter: alpha(opacity=60); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled=false); background-color:#ddd !important; } .z-listitem .z-listcell { border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #d9d9d9; } .z-listitem.z-listitem-selected>.z-listcell { background-color:#eee !important; } .z-listitem:hover .z-listcell { background-color:#ddd !important; } .nohover.z-listitem:hover .z-listcell { background:transparent !important; } .nonselectable .z-listitem .z-listcell, .draggable .z-listitem.notdraggable .z-listcell { cursor:default; } .syncing .z-menuitem-image { animation: spin 1s linear infinite; transform-origin:50% 50%; } @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } /*** End Menubar ***/ .subnav { backface-visibility: hidden; background-color: #f6f6f6; bottom: 0; margin: 0; min-width: 320px; max-width: 500px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; padding-left: 60px; padding-right: 0; position: fixed; top: 0; width: auto; will-change: transform; z-index:29; } .subnav { box-shadow: 5px 0 5px -5px rgba(131, 127, 127, 0.9); display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: normal; align-items: stretch; align-content: stretch; padding-top:0; margin-top:0; } .subnav-header { align-self: auto; background:#fff; border-bottom:1px solid #36f; display: block; flex-grow: 0; 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"\f071 "; } .mwarning .z-navitem-info, .mwarning.z-label { color:#fc0 !important; background-color:#000; } .minfo .z-navitem-info, .minfo.z-label { color:#390 !important; } .minfo .z-navitem-info::before, .minfo.z-label::before { content: "\f05a "; } .z-nav-info, .z-navitem-info { -webkit-border-radius: none; border-radius: none; background: none; } .subnav-container .z-navitem-image { width:68px; } .subnav-container .z-nav-content, .z-navitem-content{ padding:0; padding-left: 19px; } .subnav-footer { display: block; flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 1; flex-basis: auto; align-self: auto; order: 0; } .subnav-footer * { font-size:11px !important; } .overlaymask { background-color: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.3); position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom:0; z-index:21 } .paymenttypebox legend { text-align:left; margin-left:7px; } .paymenttypebox legend *{ font-size:8px !important; } .paymenttypebox fieldset { background-color:#fff; } .z-toast-icon.z-icon-exclamation-circle:before, .z-toast-icon.z-icon-times-circle::before { content: "\f071"; } .z-toast-warning .z-toast-icon, .z-toast-warning .z-toast-content::before { background-color: #ffcc00; } .disabled-row span {color:#999;} .disabled-row img {filter: grayscale(1);} .pp { background-color:#fbfbfb; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } .z-listheader { display:flex; align-items: center; } .z-listheader-checkable, .z-listitem-checkable { margin-left:8px; } .z-icon-check:before { line-height: 18px; padding-left: 3px; color: #666 !important; } .z-tabpanel { border-top: none; padding: 0; zoom: 1; } .z-listbox-body { } </style> <tabbox id="fTabbox" orient="bottom" vflex="1" style="border:none"> <tabs > <tab id="tab1" label="Tab1"/> <tab id="tab2" label="Tab2"/> </tabs> <tabpanels vflex="1"> <tabpanel id="tabpanel1" vflex="1" > <listbox hflex="1" vflex="1" style="background:transparent;"> <listhead> <listheader label="Name" hflex="1"/> <listheader hflex="min" align="center" /> <listheader hflex="min" align="center" /> 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