
Suggested case list:

Using timer to refresh a grid

383guest172.69.33.12125nk0uiMay 7, 2020 7:23:47 AMlink

user model to move item to another listbox

120guest162.158.193.148d0n3krApr 2, 2020 5:28:28 AMlink

Disabled list item row passed to VM-1981

296fatih123160.83.36.13025nk0uiFeb 13, 2018 4:25:44 PMlink

Disabled list item row passed to VM-1981

295fatih123160.83.36.13025nk0uiFeb 13, 2018 4:25:16 PMlink

Disabled list item row passed to VM-1981

294fatih123160.83.36.13225nk0uiFeb 13, 2018 3:30:44 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

816guest80.82.2.1312vah9ajFeb 21, 2017 11:42:21 AMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

809guest175.98.113.1622vah9ajJan 26, 2017 9:19:33 AMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

196guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:57 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

195guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:54 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

194guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:51 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

193guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:48 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

192guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:44 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

191guest79.185.142.402vah9ajApr 26, 2014 10:53:40 PMlink

Hierarchy table without using ZK PE/EE

1aaknai151.28.135.2131s871daJul 29, 2013 11:02:46 PMlink

grid sample with ListModel/RowRenderer

128aaknai151.28.135.2132vah9ajJul 29, 2013 7:20:00 PMlink

user model to move item to another listbox

1TonyQ114.25.109.94d0n3krApr 21, 2012 10:43:27 AMlink

Using timer to refresh a grid

1TonyQ220.133.44.3725nk0uiFeb 17, 2012 3:17:34 AMlink

Fire a event from child iframe

1TonyQ220.133.44.372eupjotFeb 3, 2012 5:04:52 AMlink

Textbox input restriction sample

1TonyQ72.21.245.2431b3nlr0Dec 20, 2011 10:09:10 AMlink

Test web core taglib in ZUL

1TonyQ198.203.175.175ofqkemDec 17, 2011 3:36:08 AMlink

Latest 10 Fiddles :

Customized Menupopup On Grid Header

5hiepgau172.71.211.10gig0j7May 4, 2024 5:33:29 AMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

4hiepgau172.68.225.142gig0j7May 4, 2024 5:31:25 AMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

3hiepgau172.71.218.113gig0j7May 3, 2024 11:46:46 PMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

2hiepgau162.158.178.201gig0j7May 3, 2024 11:40:57 PMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

1hiepgau162.158.179.103gig0j7May 3, 2024 10:49:45 PMlink

custom menu on grid

7hiepgau172.71.214.52261rcaiMay 3, 2024 9:27:35 PMlink

custom menu on grid

6hiepgau172.71.214.53261rcaiMay 3, 2024 9:26:52 PMlink

custom menu on grid

5hiepgau172.71.214.53261rcaiMay 3, 2024 9:25:26 PMlink

custom menu on grid

4hiepgau162.158.114.139261rcaiMay 3, 2024 9:20:17 PMlink

Another new ZK fiddle

1guest172.70.80.2021nil9qsMay 3, 2024 2:07:26 PMlink

grid not adding columns when binding vars add items to List

2chillworld193.191.219.801prcftdMar 26, 2015 7:00:15 AMlink


index.zulzul<zk> <window id="win" border="normal" width="100%" apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer" viewModel="@id('vm') @init('pkg$.RFViewModel')" > <vlayout> <grid id="grid"> <columns > <column hflex="min"/> <column hflex="1"/> </columns> <rows> <row> <label value="Universe: "/> <listbox mold="select" model="@load(vm.basesModel)" selectedItem="@bind(vm.selectedBase)" width="100%"> <template name="model"> <listitem> <listcell label="@load(each)"/> </listitem> </template> </listbox> </row> <row> <label value="Target: "/> <listbox mold="select" model="@load(vm.targetsModel)" selectedItem="@bind(vm.selectedTarget)" width="100%"> <template name="model"> <listitem> <listcell label="@load(each)"/> </listitem> </template> </listbox> </row> </rows> </grid> <grid id="mainGrid" model="@load(vm.mapModel)" height="150px" vflex="1" hflex="1" > <frozen style="background: #DFDED8" columns="1"/> <columns children="@load(vm.columnsModel)"> <template name="children"> <column style="text-align: center;" hflex="min" width="75px" label="@load(each)"/> </template> </columns> <template name="model" var="cur_row"> <row children="@load(vm.columnsModel) @template(forEachStatus.index lt (vm.columnsModel.size()- cur_row.value.size()) ? 'fixed' : 'variable')"> <template name="fixed"> <cell> <!-- <label value="@load(0 eq forEachStatus.index ? cur_row.key: 'misc entry') "/> changed to a single more 'misc entry'. --> <label value="@load(cur_row.key)"/> </cell> </template> <template name="variable"> <cell style="text-align: center;"> <intbox tabindex="${forEachStatus.index}" width="60px" style="text-align:center;" format="#,##0" ctrlKeys="#down#right#left#up" onCtrlKey="@command('keyPressed')" constraint="no negative" value="@load(cur_row.value[forEachStatus.index- vm.columnsModel.size()+ cur_row.value.size()])"></intbox> </cell> </template> </row> </template> </grid> <label value="R&amp;F Data Items"/> <grid id="resultsGrid" model="@load(vm.resultsModel)" height="150px" vflex="1" hflex="1" > <frozen style="background: #DFDED8" columns="1"/> <columns children="@load(vm.columnsModel)"> <template name="children"> <column style="text-align: center" hflex="min" width="75px" label="@load(forEachStatus.index lt 1 ? '': each)"/> </template> </columns> <template name="model" var="cur_row"> <row children="@load(vm.columnsModel) @template(forEachStatus.index lt 1 ? 'fixed' : 'variable')"> <template name="fixed"> <cell align="center"> <label style="text-align: center;" value="@load(cur_row.key)"/> </cell> </template> <template name="variable"> <cell align="center"> <label style="text-align: center;" value="@load(cur_row.value[forEachStatus.index- 1])"/> </cell> </template> </row> </template> </grid> <button label="Refresh" id="refreshBtn" onClick="@command('refreshDataItems')"/> </vlayout> </window> </zk>TestComposer.javajavaimport org.zkoss.zk.ui.*; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.*; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.*; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.*; import*; import*; import org.zkoss.zul.*; public class TestComposer extends GenericForwardComposer{ public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception { super.doAfterCompose(comp); } public void onClick$btn(Event e) throws InterruptedException{"Hi btn"); } } RFViewModel.javajavaimport org.zkoss.zk.ui.*; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.*; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.*; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.*; import*; import*; import org.zkoss.zul.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.*; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Init; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.KeyEvent; import org.zkoss.zul.ListModel; import org.zkoss.zul.ListModelList; import org.zkoss.zul.ListModelMap; import org.zkoss.zul.impl.InputElement; public class RFViewModel { ListModelMap<String, List<String>> data= new ListModelMap<String, List<String>>(); ListModelMap<String, List<String>> results = new ListModelMap<String, List<String>>(); ListModelList<String> columns_model= new ListModelList<String>(); ListModelList<String> targetsModel = new ListModelList<String>(); ListModelList<String> basesModel = new ListModelList<String>(); //ListModelList<String> dataItemsModel = new ListModelList<String>(); //RFDataGetter dataGetter = new RFDataGetter(); ArrayList<String> dataItemsList = new ArrayList<String>(); String selectedBase; String selectedTarget; public RFViewModel() { // init some of the data: columns_model.add(new String("Vehicle")); int i = 0; while (i++ < 5) { List<String> initBuf = new ArrayList<String>(); int x =0; while (x++ < 5) { initBuf.add(null); } results.put(new String("Data Item " + i), initBuf); initBuf = new ArrayList<String>(); x = 0; while (x++ < 5) { initBuf.add(null); } data.put(new String("Vehicle " + i), initBuf); columns_model.add(new String("Sched " + i)); } targetsModel.add(""); basesModel.add(""); //dataItemsModel.add(null); int y = 0; while (y++ < 5) { dataItemsList.add(""); } } @Command @NotifyChange("columnsModel") public void refreshDataItems() { createTargetsModel(); createBasesModel(); data.clear(); List<String> value= new ArrayList<String>(); value.add("6"); value.add("7"); value.add("8"); value.add("9"); value.add("99"); value.add("999"); value.add("9999"); value.add("99900"); value.add("99900"); value.add("99900"); value.add("99900"); value.add("99900"); value.add("99900"); data.put("Mag 01", value); value= new ArrayList<String>(); value.add("10"); value.add("11"); value.add("12");value.add(null); value.add("10"); value.add("11"); value.add("12");value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); data.put("Mag 02", value); value= new ArrayList<String>(); value.add("14"); value.add("15"); value.add("16");value.add("17"); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); value.add(null); data.put("Mag 03", value); columns_model.clear(); columns_model.add(new String("Vehicle")); //columns_model.add(new String("Misc.")); int n_var= ((List<String>) data.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue()).size(); Clients.showNotification(""+ n_var); for (int i= 0; i< n_var; ++i) columns_model.add(new String("Sched "+ String.valueOf(i+1))); createResultsModel(); } private void createResultsModel() { results.clear(); dataItemsList = createDataItemsList(); int dataItemsIndex = 0; List<String> value= new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0; int x = 0; while (i < 13) { value.add(String.valueOf(i++)); } results.put(dataItemsList.get(dataItemsIndex++), value); value = new ArrayList<String>(); while (i < 26) { value.add(String.valueOf(i++)); } results.put(dataItemsList.get(dataItemsIndex++), value); value = new ArrayList<String>(); while (i < 39) { value.add(String.valueOf(i++)); } results.put(dataItemsList.get(dataItemsIndex++), value); } private void createTargetsModel() { targetsModel.clear(); String[] arr = {"Target 1", "Target 2", "Target 3"}; //String[] arr = dataGetter.getTargets(); if (arr != null){ for (String s: arr) { targetsModel.add(s); } selectedTarget = targetsModel.get(1); } } private void createBasesModel() { basesModel.clear(); String[] arr = {"Base 1", "Base 2", "Base 3"}; for (String s: arr) { basesModel.add(s); } selectedBase = basesModel.get(1); } private ArrayList<String> createDataItemsList() { dataItemsList.clear(); String[] arr = {"Data item1", "Data item2", "Data item3", "Data item4", "Data item5", "Data item6", "Data item 7", "Data item8", "Data item 9"}; for (String s: arr) { dataItemsList.add(new String(s)); } return dataItemsList; } public ListModelList<String> getTargetsModel() {return targetsModel;} public ListModelList<String> getBasesModel() {return basesModel;} public ListModelList<String> getColumnsModel() { return columns_model; } public ListModelMap<String, List<String>> getMapModel() { return data; } public void setSelectedBase(String s) { selectedBase = s; } public String getSelectedBase() {return selectedBase;} public void setSelectedTarget(String s) { selectedTarget = s; } public String getSelectedTarget() {return selectedTarget;} public ListModelMap<String, List<String>> getResultsModel() {return results;} @Command public void keyPressed(@ContextParam(ContextType.TRIGGER_EVENT) KeyEvent event) { InputElement comp = (InputElement) event.getTarget(); if (event.getKeyCode() == 37) { // Left key int tabIndex = comp.getTabindex(); Component prev = null; if (comp.getParent().getPreviousSibling() == null || !(comp.getParent().getPreviousSibling().getFirstChild() instanceof InputElement)) { // start of row. go to end of row. prev = comp.getParent().getParent().getLastChild().getFirstChild(); } else { // go left 1. prev = comp.getParent().getPreviousSibling().getFirstChild(); } if (prev != null && prev instanceof InputElement) { /*** while (!(prev instanceof InputElement) || ((InputElement) prev).getTabindex() != tabIndex) { prev = prev.getParent().getNextSibling().getFirstChild(); } ***/ while (!(prev instanceof InputElement)) { prev = prev.getParent().getNextSibling() == null ? comp.getParent().getParent().getFirstChild().getFirstChild() : prev.getParent().getNextSibling().getFirstChild(); } ((InputElement) prev).setFocus(true); } } else if (event.getKeyCode() == 38) { // up key int tabIndex = comp.getTabindex(); Component nextRow = null; if (comp.getParent().getParent().getPreviousSibling() != null) { nextRow = comp.getParent().getParent().getPreviousSibling(); } else { // go to bottom of column. nextRow = comp.getParent().getParent().getParent().getLastChild(); } Component next = nextRow.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (next != null) { while (!(next instanceof InputElement) || ((InputElement) next).getTabindex() != tabIndex) { next = next.getParent().getNextSibling().getFirstChild(); } ((InputElement) next).setFocus(true); } } else if (event.getKeyCode() == 39) { // Rt key //Component nextSybling = comp.getParent().getNextSibling() == null ? comp.getParent().getParent().getFirstChild().getFirstChild() : comp.getParent().getNextSibling().getFirstChild(); Component nextSybling; if (comp.getParent().getNextSibling() == null) { // end of row go to next row. if (comp.getParent().getParent().getNextSibling() == null) { // no more lines. go back to first row. nextSybling = comp.getParent().getParent().getParent().getFirstChild().getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); } else { // go to next row nextSybling = comp.getParent().getParent().getNextSibling().getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); } } else { // go to next cell in this row (to the rt). nextSybling = comp.getParent().getNextSibling().getFirstChild(); } while (!(nextSybling instanceof InputElement)) { nextSybling = nextSybling.getParent().getNextSibling() == null ? comp.getParent().getParent().getFirstChild().getFirstChild() : nextSybling.getParent().getNextSibling().getFirstChild(); } ((InputElement) nextSybling).setFocus(true); } else if (event.getKeyCode() == 40) { // down key int tabIndex = comp.getTabindex(); Component nextRow = comp.getParent().getParent().getNextSibling() == null ? comp.getParent().getParent().getParent().getFirstChild() : comp.getParent().getParent().getNextSibling(); Component next = nextRow.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); while (!(next instanceof InputElement) || ((InputElement) next).getTabindex() != tabIndex) { next = next.getParent().getNextSibling().getFirstChild(); } ((InputElement) next).setFocus(true); } } }